Friday, January 15, 2016

New York Values are American Values

Last night, I watched the first Republican debate of 2016 and what I saw and heard was both revolting and demeaning to the American people. I could write hundreds of pages addressing all the ridiculous and partisan babble that we heard uttered from those podiums, but today, I will devote my time to addressing what was the most inappropriate statement in the debate. About midway through the debate, Ted Cruz criticized Donald Trump, accusing him of having "New York values" as if it was a bad thing. 

Ted Cruz's statement was not only distasteful, but utterly offensive to every New Yorker. New York values are American values. New York is the capital of the Empire State and the gem of America. Our nation's greatest industries and entrepreneurs have made New York their home and one could even say that New York is the American Paris. In New York, people believ,e like across the rest of the nation, that everyone who works hard and honestly deserves to get ahead. New York is also the site of one of the most devastating terrorist attacks on American soil in the 21st century.

The tragic horror of September 11 is not what we will forever remember, but rather what we will always remember was how New York came together, how our first responders selflessly laid down their lives, and how we rebuilt New York even greater than before. New York is also home to the Statue of Liberty, the beacon of hope to all who are fleeing violence, persecution, and oppression to pursue the American Dream, and as the son of immigrants, Ted Cruz should have great respect for this great city.

New York values are American values. While not every aspect of New York is stellar and amazing, what is important for us to realize is that no place in America is perfect and that each state has something special to offer. But perhaps one should not blame Ted Cruz, for he may only be serving as a mouthpiece for Texas. Texas is a great state but they also used to be part of the America' slavery regime, were leaders in racial violence and segregation, and were birthed in violent rebellion. I am in no way disparaging the Texans, but I intend to make a point that no American Presidential candidate should ever demonize a region of America to make a political statement, lest he be a hypocrite and ignore his own state's shortcomings.

Donald Trump defended New York well and this time, I have to agree with him. However, even Trump has done it in the past where he accused Iowa voters of "being stupid." We need a President that unites, not divides, these states. We need a President who will bridge the ideological and political gap that does exist between the North and the South, not exploit it for approval ratings and campaign rhetoric.  

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Katniss Everdeen's Response to the State of the Union

In his state of the Union speech, President Obama focused on the many accomplishments of his administration, as well as some of the issues our nation is facing today. The President talked about how strong our economy is and that our nation is the greatest nation in the world, period. And I do not argue with President Obama about his accomplishments, but I think it is also necessary point out some threats to the security of our Union, for it is the unaddressed threats that hurt us the most.

The world has clearly become a more dangerous place from alleged nuclear tests in North Korea to the recent kidnapping of US sailors by Iranians and a terrorist attack on tourists in Turkey by ISIS. I also would like to make a correction to the President's comments on how the war with ISIS is being blown out of proportion. ISIS is a real threat to every democratic Westernized opportunistic nation and ISIS has continually made it clear that they completely intend to destroy us and establish an international caliphate.

Such threats are currently minor at best, but regardless, we must remain vigilant. And like President Obama said, this means we cannot let fear get the best of us and direct us to punish or hold an entire religion or ethnicity to blame for the actions of a radical few. We must act with level heads and together, we can put an end to this extremist scourge that is wrecking havoc in the Middle East and threatening our shores.

We also need to work to address the issues of growing poverty in our nation, of unemployment, inequality, rising student debt, homelessness, and the decrease of opportunity. These issues are tough and will take a tough leader. President Obama has clearly tried to do his best and has definitely made some accomplishments and advanced America down the road of progress, but we need a leader who will take up the torch and advance us further. Some of the President candidates now will not only refuse to carry on the torch of progress, but will reverse all the work we have done.

As President, I promise you I will work hard to keep America moving forward, not backward, and that I will fight for women's rights, work to end equality, diminish student debt, eradicate homelessness, defeat ISIS, and return the opportunity and blessings of America to its people.

~Katniss Everdeen

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Serve Those Who Served Us

My fellow Americans,

It is on this day that we recognize the service and sacrifice of America's best. Sadly, Washington DC and the federal bureaucracy seem to have a different plan. In the past year, we have heard of multiple scandals regarding the healthcare of our veterans, from horrible service and treatment at the Phoenix VA in Arizona, to the discovery that thousands of veterans have died awaiting decisions on their benefits. This is unacceptable and even worse, Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton has gone on record saying that these crimes against our veterans were "blown out of proportion."

Our nation's politicians our out of touch with reality, especially when it comes to serving those who served us. We need true leadership in Washington DC that will stand up and fight for our veterans, whether it is getting Vietnam and World War II veterans the benefits they deserve, or providing our newest veterans from the Middle East with the state of art care and support they need. The VA itself provides some of the best veteran's care in its hospitals, but it is greatly hampered by bureaucratic red tape. As President and head of our federal bureaucracy, I will work to streamline the VA and cut the number of people waiting for benefit decisions by half. Please thank a veteran today and let's appreciate those who served. Join me next year as we launch a revolution to bring service and dignity back to our government.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Columbus Day: Remember the First Nations

My Fellow Americans,

Five-hundred and twenty three years ago, Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas for Europe. Today, we celebrate that memory, but there are many across our nation who do not celebrate that anniversary. Over 100 million native peoples have died from the beginning of the Europeans's conquest to the end of the American-Indian Wars. Even still today, Native Americans are one the poorest ethnic groups in the United States. Our nation's history with indigenous groups is long and dark, marred with scandal and racism. But today, we can turn the page and begin a new chapter.

It is time for us to recognize the contributions of native peoples from all across our nation, and to stoke respect for them once again. Even today, native peoples lands are still being violated in search of oil and natural resources. This is unacceptable and as President, I will fight for the rights of those who have been marginalized by society, especially the Native peoples. How then do I plan to life Native people out of poverty?

We need to reinvest in our Indian reservations and we need to work with tribes all across America to get better autonomy for them to make the decisions they need to. Washington DC should not be making the policy decisions for a Native peoples whose lands are in Oklahoma or Arizona. Native peoples should be given more self-government and more access to federal funds and assistance rather than dominance.

We need to stop trying to write Native People's future for them, for we have already ruined their past. Instead, let us allow them to create their own destiny in a modern America, an America where EVERYONE has equal rights and protections under the law. As President, I will be a fearless and constant advocate for Native peoples, not only in America, but also across the world. Justice knows no color, race, or language, and neither do I.

~Katniss Everdeen

Monday, September 21, 2015

America First In War, Time to Be First in Peace

My fellow Americans,

Today, we celebrate an International Day of Peace. Peace is one of those words whose meaning is much powerful than many think. And in today's conflict torn world, there is nothing we need more than peace. Whether it is the barbaric advance of the Islamic State, the violent civil war in Syria, the chaotic anarchy in Libya, or even the violence in our own nation, peace should be our first priority.The past Presidential administrations have claimed peace is their goal, but reality paints a different picture.

Over the past two administrations, America has been at war in Iraq and Afghanistan, involved in conflicts that have no definite resolution. As George Washington once said, America should be "First in War, AND FIRST IN PEACE." Our nation has been first in war for a long time, and it is now time we become first in peace. America faced a possibility of ending the civil war in Syria through supporting reforms to Assad's government, but President Obama's administration refused and demanded Assad step down before any peace could happen, plunging Syria in deeper civil war and resulting in floods of refugees fleeing to Europe.

I do credit this administration for working to improve our relations with Cuba, but we need to extend that kind of treatment to all our South American brothers and sisters. For to long, America has acted with an attitude of indifference towards all those nations south of us. America needs to move on to a new era of treating nations with respect and dignity, and only using military force as the last resort. As a survivor of a bloody revolution, I know just how brutal war is, and I will personally do everything in my power as President to resolve conflict at home and abroad diplomatically before using force.

~Katniss Everdeen

Monday, September 7, 2015

America Needs a Revolution

My fellow Americans,

If you are like me, you are disgusted by the road our nation has taken. While we have certainly made some great advancements for equality in the past years, many other issues are still unaddressed and only getting worse. Minorities still get jailed all to frequently and many remain trapped in the lower rungs. The top of the ladder remain at the top while the everyday Americans at the bottom remain trapped there.

The very idea of the American Dream is opportunity, but currently, opportunity is only reality for the elite 1% of America. We need to bring back the America where everyone has an equal chance at success; where hard work is rewarded by promotion and better wages, not frozen pay and deducted benefits.

Our foreign policy is a disaster as our allies distrust us while our enemies mock us. Our economy is still sluggishly recovering from a crash that was started by an unregulated and foolhardy Wall Street. We need to bring back control over Wall Street and we need to take back control of what is ours. Our schools are a mess and student debt is skyrocketing while corporate moguls get tax cuts.

There are many candidates running for President, but few run on platforms that promise the action that we need. Dire situations call for drastic measures and now, America needs more than another Bush, Clinton, millionaire, Bible-thumping preacher, or sleazy politician. America needs a fighter, a revolutionary who will take on Wall Street, who will reform our tax code to lift the burden off the middle class while holding the wealthy responsible for their fair share of taxes, who will make America number one in the world again, who will have the guts to address our immigration catastrophe and welcome those who hunger to come to America, and most importantly, who will fight for social values that put the little people first.

That is why I, Katniss Everdeen, am announcing my candidacy for President in 2016. It is no coincidence that I decided to announce on Labor Day, for as we remember those who work daily to keep our nation running, let us support them more than just on Labor Day. Let us bring a revolution to America that will make a better nation for us all. And that starts by sending me to the White House. I look forward to becoming involved in the dialogue as we address these important issues and I promise to be a voice for the American people in this election.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


Our economy is broken, student debt is skyrocketing, poverty is increasing, our infrastucture is in shambles, and the deck is stacked in favor of those on top. Washington is broken and the end is near. We need a Revolution to bring back an Era of Prosperity and Equality for all Americans. But we cannot start a revolution alone and we need allies. Will you join the fight and take back America?
~Katniss Everdeen